
I guess this has turned out to be a week of posts about my kitchen. I didn't really plan it that way. In fact, I rarely plan much about the blog at all. I tend to take photographs and then build my posts around them. I know it would be much better to have a plan, but I just can't seem to do it that way. Inspiration is important to me, and you can't really plan for it. It just happens.

This is the carved tile that is centered in the backsplash behind our kitchen range. I had actually considered putting an antique fireback in there, but couldn't find one that fit in with my cheap renovation plans. And I wasn't entirely sure that it could be attached to wallboard without pulling down half the wall. So I went to Home Expo for some inspiration, and came home with this tile. And it turned out just fine. :)

Today is my daughter's eighteenth birthday. I can hardly believe it's possible. I would post a picture, but she won't let me near her with my camera. Happy birthday, Pookie! (Yeah, even though Mom can't embarrass you with a picture, she can still use your baby name. And no, you cannot get a tattoo for your birthday!)


I hope you will all consider joining me for Mosaic Monday. Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30pm Sunday night. Just a reminder for those of you who are new to the meme -- there is no set subject each week. You may create your mosaic on any subject that catches your fancy. I look forward to seeing your creativity!