
It's quiet here this morning as I write this -- everyone is still abed. The wind outside is howling. November is going out with a vengeance. We had a quiet but nice Thanksgiving, and the dining room table still needs to be tidied. Dishes and flatware are waiting to be put away. My kids want to start the Christmas decorations today, and I must admit that I'm looking forward to doing it together. I miss the days when they were little. :)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, dear bloggers!

Just a reminder: go visit my interview at houzz and leave a comment to be entered in the drawing for a Target gift certificate.


Please join me for Mosaic Monday this week. Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30pm Sunday. Remember there is no required subject for your mosaics. You may choose whatever content you wish. I look forward to seeing your creativity and imagination. :)