Christmas Traditions

How do you deal with tradition when decorating for Christmas? Or perhaps I should ask how do you balance the need to create something new with the family traditions that have been lovingly created over the years?

Do you see the little bear in the photo above? She is one of a set that my children have placed on the mantel since they were little. My daughter has left the other one for my son to place when he comes home from school. She loves this tradition, and she thinks that he would be hurt to miss the chance of joining in.

Can I tell you a secret? I'm not really all that into the bears. Does that make me sound heartless? I understand that my children enjoyed them while they were growing up, but I thought maybe I could make a few changes this year. Something new. Maybe it was my turn to play dress up the mantel.

Um, no. I've taken the bears off to shoot these pictures, but they will go right back up there before my daughter gets home from school. And there they will stay.

I guess in the end, you never get too old to dress the mantel with teddy bears. Or leave cookies and milk out for Santa. Or whatever it is that you do to make the holiday special. I guess I'll just have to find some other part of the house that is as yet untouched by tradition.

Because when all is said and done, it's the traditions that we carry in our hearts that bind us together. And next year, she will be off at school when I decorate the mantel. But I'll be sure to save the bears for her to put up when she comes home. :)