Finally The Tree Is Decorated...

We got our Christmas Tree on Monday and its taken me until today to get all the Decorations on it. It was looking so forlorn, but I can only do a little bit at a time, then I need to sit down to rest and then start again and its been hard going with the bending. But finally I finished it this evening, and after much faffing about I'm pleased with how it looks. I'll try and get some better photographs tomorrow in daylight, and when I've cleared up the floor which is smothered with decorations and bits of this and that...LOL
It's not as big as we usually have but it fits nicely in the corner of the lounge and smells wonderful.
I've also decorated the Mantles in our lounge and the Boys room and hung their stockings.. (Katie of Katie's Clay Corner has the same Stockings as us, how do I know this? cause Katie showed me on her blog last year.)
Nikki can you spy your little Puddings and your posh pressie under the tree, told you I hadn't opened it..