In the Den

I had so much fun reading all your answers to "Do Tell" yesterday, and I'm slowly working my way through all your Mosaic Monday entries. But I'm also a little stretched with holiday preparations.

So I'm just going to leave you with some photos of the Christmas decorations in our tiny den. And I'm not kidding when I say tiny -- it's around 10 X 12. The size of a walk-in closet.

As a relief from all the reds in the rest of the house, the den is done in golds and browns. Our ceilings are 7ft. high, and we tend to choose short, fat trees. This one almost didn't make it through the doorway. lol

Well, I have to run. Every year it's the same -- the chores seem to expand to fill the time available. I wish I were the organized, planning type but alas, I'm not. So I'm going to spend the next few days running around like a chicken with my head cut off. :)

Quick question: Are you all up for Mosaic Monday next week? Or will you be too busy? Let me know what you think. I'm not sure about it yet...