Happy New Year 2010.... A New Decade

I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2010. (Sorry I'm a bit late).

Another decade has gone and a new one has begun. The last decade holds mixed emotions for me. It was the decade where I lost both my parent's, my Mum in 2001 and my Dad in 2003 and so nearly my own life in the latter part of 2009. It also was the start of our families new life in Wales, one that we certainly have no regrets about.
It was also the decade that I started blogging and through this blog, I have met virtually and in person some of the most amazing people on the planet. Yes I'm talking about you my dear friends out there in the blogosphere.
I want to thank you all for you friendship, encouragement and support, especially over the last few months. May 2010 bring you all happiness, health and all you wish for.
I'm really looking forward to seeing all your new projects and hopefully I'll have a few to share of my own...

Last night it started to Snow and this is what we woke up to this morning...
The first two photographs were taken at approx 8am.
The next three were taken at approx two this afternoon.
The last couple were taken at approx 4.30pm