Mosaic Monday: It's My Birthday

Making a flower mosaic for my birthday has become something of a tradition at Little Red House. January 25th -- all the excitement of the holiday season has faded and the winter weather has become a bit of a bore. It's a long time till spring. So I usually cheer myself up with a gathering of electronic blossoms.

My husband gets me some of the real kind, too. :)

I awoke this morning (Sunday, the 24th) to two armfuls of blooms -- white tulips and yellow roses. We're going out to dinner tonight, and I've been promised some gifts to unwrap tomorrow. I did get a sort of early birthday present on Saturday. But I want to surprise you with that story on Tuesday. Because you need a surprise in this dreary weather, don't you?

(And if you are enjoying lovely weather at the moment, please don't tell me. It would just be the last straw. Not that I'm jealous or anything... )

It's 34 degrees and rainy here tonight... lol

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:

1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate Mr. Linky box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate Mr. Linky box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at) I can't wait to see your mosaics! Here is Mr. Linky: