Odds and Ends

First of all, I want to say "thank you" for all your wonderful comments and birthday wishes yesterday. Wow, you guys are the best!!! Several of you told me that you or one of your loved ones shared my birthday; I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Secondly, welcome to all the new faces I'm seeing here -- both at Mosaic Monday and in my Followers list. I'm so happy that you have chosen to spend some time at Little Red House!

Finally, I want to remind everyone that Mr. Linky remains up all week, so that if you didn't have time to post your mosaic earlier, you can still do so now. I look forward to visiting you all this week. :)

Now, is there something I'm forgetting? Something I promised to tell you about?

Oh yeah. The surprise. :)

Well, you all know how I love a good deal, right? The queen of the thrift store bargain? Here is my greatest moment, bar none.

My husband and I were driving home Saturday when we spied a piece of furniture that someone had left at the side of the road. It was a beautiful desk, in nearly perfect condition. We looked at each other, and then said that we had no room for it in our house. We drove on by.

At home later, I looked at our junky computer table, and had a bright idea. We could use the desk there! Now you have to know that my husband, while he shares my love of a good bargain, does not really like going to garage sales, or picking things up at the side of the road. So he really did not want to go back and get that desk. But it was my birthday (almost) and he knew that it was killing me to let that desk go. So we went back and picked it up.

We got it home, brought it inside, and realized that it would not fit up the stairs to the family room. Aaaaarrrgh! So with a bit of furniture shuffling, it is now residing in our tiny den. My daughter has apparently decided that it belongs to her, and has filled the drawers with office supplies. She has midterm exams this week, so it has become her study station. It is already covered with books and papers. I cleared it off to take this photo, which is blurry because it was so dark in the room. Sorry!

So that is my big surprise -- a beautiful, almost new cherry desk. For nothing. Nothing. I tried to look it up online, and found a sideboard by the same manufacturer, half the size of the desk, selling secondhand for $1500.

Oh how I love a good bargain. ;)