Blog Lapse...

So sorry for the blog lapse, but I've not been too well over the last week. Started last Monday evening with the sniffles and by Tuesday morning had a full blown cold. Think there's plenty of it going about at the moment. Felt really rough, but muddled through as you do. I've also been having so much trouble with my left leg since the operation, its swelling up all the time and is really sore. But someone in their wisdom decided when my prescription was due last week to stop my water tablet. On Sunday while peeling the Potatoes for dinner, my hands felt peculiar and my arms started to feel really heavy! I noticed that my hands and arms were swelling, managed to get my rings off before they swelled too much. Well by Sunday evening I resembled the Pillsbury Dough Man, if you don't know who that is I've included a picture for you, I could hardly walk. To say its getting me down is an understatement, as I'm normally very active. Went to the Doctors yesterday, who put me on another water tablet and boy do they work. If peeing for Great Britain was a sport I can assure you I'd have won Gold. But at least the swelling is going down. The Doc wants to see me again in two weeks and if he's not happy, he is going to refer me back to the Cardiologist's. Something is obviously not as it should be.

Any way enough of my woes, just wanted to let you all know that our friend Jody Raines who's blog was called Mini Leaps and Bounds has changed the name of her blog to Peach Blossom Hill. For the full story please call over to Jody's new blog and see all her wonderful minis.

I'd also like to let you all know that I am now a member of A.I.M or Artisans In Miniature, and want to say Thank you to all the members who gave me such a lovely welcome. Hopefully, I'll be sharing my work in the magazine very soon.