Heart Scan...

Firstly Thank you everyone that left such lovely comments yesterday on my blog and on my face book page.
As you can imagine I was quite worried about having the Heart Scan today.
I have to say the Lady that did the Scan was lovely and so gentle. She advised us that she couldn't really make any comment about the Scan, as she is not a Consultant Cardiologist.
I was in there for about half an hour and she did let me know that she couldn't find anything nasty. Which I have to say was such a relief.
She also said that she would write up the report today, which will then be passed over to the Cardiologist. I should then get an appointment.
So Good and Bad news really, as we are still no nearer to knowing why I am swelling up and retaining so much fluid. I expect I'll now have to have a battery of tests to find out the what and why fores!
When we got home there had been a phone call from the School, but no message. So I rang the School. Turns out Harry had been playing Rugby today and injured his Ribs in a Scrum. Fortunately our friend went to the School and picked him up, so looks like he will be off now for a couple of days. His Music teacher said he can do his audition for the School production,when he goes back. I blame Mick, he told him to break a leg at the audition today, instead he nearly broke his ribs..LOL