Raspberry Breakfast

My in-laws gave me a wonderful gift basket for my birthday, filled with lots of yummy breakfast foods. I try very hard to eat healthy, but I have to admit to a weakness for jams. So I've been in breakfast heaven this week, sampling lots of different fruity spreads.

So far Raspberry Peach Champagne Jam is my favorite, but really they are all quite wonderful. :)

I've also been enjoying a bit of summer in February with these beautiful fresh raspberries. I have to admit that I bought them so that I could photograph them (how pathetic is that?!) but now I've been snacking on them. And that's healthy eating, right?

We're supposed to be getting a snow storm tonight into Saturday, so we're planning on sleeping in and making pancakes in the morning. With wild Maine blueberries, courtesy of my breakfast basket.

What's on the menu for breakfast at your house tomorrow? :)