Testing Time...

Just wanted to say thank you so much every one for your best wishes and positive thoughts. I do hope you all realise just how much they mean to me.
Yesterday I went to see our GP for an update on what's happening with my Heart.
He was very surprised that I wasn't kept in Hospital last week. I think the GP's were hoping that the Registrar at the Hospital, would admit me and all the tests would have been carried out by now.
My GP was very reluctant to prescribe any more medication, until I've had the Heart Scan. Apparently, a couple of them at the practise had, had a discussion about me and they are at a loss as to way I'm retaining all this water.
I told him that I feel quite unwell at the moment. I feel worse now then I did before the Heart Surgery. He told me that if I hadn't heard anything by Thursday from the Hospital, that we were to ring the Doctor's Surgery and their secretaries would chase up the appointment.
Well this afternoon, I got a phone call from the Hospital and my scan is scheduled at 11.30am tomorrow. Hopefully, we may find out something tomorrow. I am a bit apprehensive, but lets hope they don't find anything nasty. If I do end up being kept in Hospital, I'll ask Ben to update my blog for me.

Some Good news, which I forgot to tell you, is that we took Ben to the open day at Aberystwyth University on Saturday. Ben really enjoyed it and was really impressed with all they have to offer. He had an informal interview while we were there with a lecturer in the Law and Criminology Department and the remainder of his time was in the Psychology Department. I managed to hobble round the Uni for a while, but then left Ben to continue the tour, while I went back to the Psychology Department and put my feet up. Hopefully, Ben will be starting there in September. Just keeping my fingers crossed that he gets all the points he needs, as he has been offered conditional places on both the Subjects he wishes to take. Good Luck Ben xxxx
Also Harry has an audition tomorrow after School, for a part in the School production, so keeping my fingers crossed for him as well. Good Luck Harry xxxx