More Awards, Sabiha's Giveaway and Catch Up..

First off , I apologise for not posting anything since Monday.
real life has sort of taken over.
I has a phone call from my Cardiac Rehab Nurse Paul and he and the team had reviewed my Heart Scan and they confirmed there is nothing wrong with my Heart. Paul is wondering if I may be having an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in one of the drugs I am taking? He could have something there. He has also managed to get me an appointment for tomorrow, with the Cardiologist. Just keeping our fingers crossed they can find out what's causing all the swelling. I've put a couple of pictures on here, just to show you how bad it is, if you look where I've pressed the skin, can you see where it leaves a deep indent. (Click On The Pic's to make them bigger). I have what is called Pitting Edema. Can you imagine that swelling all over my body, its certainly not a pretty site and so sore, even my boobs have blown up. It feels like when you have a baby, and you get your milk in! But with no relief. My Skin is so tight, I feel like I'm going to burst. I need a tap fitted or a Syphon attachment.. LOL

Also to let you all know that I've been adding lots of Mini Links over on Tiny Treasures Mini Links Page, I've found lots of new blogs and miniature sites on my journey in the blogosphere.

I've been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award from:-
Genevieve over at Genevieves Miniacollection
Julia & Hywel over at Bearcabin Miniatures.
Wendie over at Wendies Mini World.
and Doll Mum over at Doll Mum's Blog.
Thank you all for the award and I will pass it on later. xx
I also received the Sunshine award from Lisa over at Lisa Johnson-Richards blog. Thank you Lisa

Last but not least, just to let every one know that the lovely Sabiha is having a give away on her blog Sabs Mini Interiors. Please pop over and enter if you haven't already. Sabiha has a beautiful blog.