A Traumatic Day..

I've had a very traumatic day today.
For those of you that don't know I had to go to the Hospital today for a CT Scan.
Now I got to the Hospital was taken to the changing rooms, put on a gown and within a few minutes, a nurse came and got me.
She helped me onto the scanner, put pillows under my head and a wedge under my knees to make me comfortable. All great so far, then the fun began or not in my case. I've told you before how I absolutely abhor needles. Well to have the Scan, they wanted to set up a drip of contrast dye which is pumped into you while your having the Scan. I warned this poor Nurse how bad my veins are and she tried to be gentle, but lets say after numerous attempts I ended up in tears. She said she'd stop if I asked, but as the dye makes the scan more detailed I let her have one more go. Thankfully, she got a vein in the back of my hand on that last attempt, which they flushed with Saline first, as they didn't want to start the dye and the vein collapse, I felt the Saline going in, so they then attached the drip. Then the Scan began, the Nurse came back in about Half way through and said that they were about to start pumping the contrast dye through and I would get a hot feeling first in my head, then throat, then through my body. It actually feels like you've wet yourself. Its the same feeling you get when you have an Angiogram done.Anyway all went well Scan was completed and again the Nurse was so kind, helping me sit up and making wait before getting up. She then took me back in the waiting room, where Mick was waiting and he knew by my face something was wrong and of course he knew and said "Needles", where I nodded and promptly burst into tears. What the poor people in the waiting room thought I have no idea. We left the Hospital and Mick took me into a local Supermarket for a cup of Tea, can you imagine me sitting in the Cafe, drinking Tea with tears pouring down my face. When we got home, Sandra one of the Cardiac team rang to say she was going to pop into see me this afternoon, which promptly set the flood gates open again, so we decided that it would be better if she didn't come today. Mick has since rung her back and explained exactly what had gone on today.
I am not normally like this, it's normally the stiff upper lip, but I think I've been worried by what is happening, I'm not sleeping very well and I just don't feel right and I certainly don't look right. I just want an answer one way or another..
Sorry to be full of gloom, but just wanted to get it all off my chest.
On a lighter note, I took these pictures of my big baby Merlin this afternoon having a snooze. Notice all the dirt on his nose?. He's given me lots of wet slobbery kisses today.
I did manage to sort out a tiny box of miniatures late this afternoon, I'll be back later with some pictures...