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On the home front, I had a letter from the Hospital on Saturday, requesting I ring for an appointment with the Cardiologist. They were supposed to be sending me a new appointment!
Well we rang and rang and finally got through late yesterday afternoon. The appointments desk gave us the date of 22nd June 2010. Can you believe that, well neither could Mick who was on the phone to them. Remember I'm waiting for the results of my CT Scan, and they cancelled my appointment on 16th April because
He told them that my Water Tablets had been upped from 10mg to 80mg, but I was only supposed to be staying on them until the appointment on 16.4.10. My own Doctor had agreed to carry them on until I see the Consultant. But it means regular Blood tests as they can affect your Kidneys and to be honest they are not working very well as my legs are very swollen, especially the last few days. So the appointments desk put him through to my Consultants Secretary, where he went through the full sorry saga again, only to be told that she will speak to the consultant and get back to us. So now the wait begins. To say I'm a tad p****d off, is an understatement.