Saturday's Workshop - Garden Shed
Barb's Floral Class
Hours, days, weeks have flown by and I realized I needed to post something... so here is my latest miniature news. In June, I am taking this floral class by Barb Bohlk. Barb's floral work is just wonderful. The class will be held at the Great American Dollhouse Museum in Danville, Kentucky. Lucky again, as the museum is just 15-20 minutes from my house.so this Saturday, I and members of my miniature club are participating in a first time work shop idea of Abby Vukovich of Evansville, Indiana. Abby is my NAME A-3 Region newsletter editor and I love her to pieces. She is so talented and when I saw this project, I knew it would be a hit. I also am hoping that this project is part of an A-3 Region event this fall to be held at the Kentucky Gateway Museum where the Kaye Browning Miniature collection is. ( Her collection is breath taking- museum quality miniatures- the best of the best) I love going there! In fact I was just there attending a lecture by miniaturist room box builder Bob Ott, IGMA member.
Add some Paris chocolates and macaroons, British tea and a few good maps and you can tell, I have been a busy, happy miniaturist!