Well I'm home from the Hospital, Mick didn't leave me there.
I ended up seeing the Consultant I saw, when I first got rushed into Hospital last year.
He told me that the CT Scan, had come back clear and they cannot see anything wrong with the heart. Which was great news.
He gave me a thorough examination and my lungs are also completely clear, which again is great news, which also confirms the heart is pumping as it should. My blood pressure is a bit low, but then I've always had low blood pressure.
I told him how fed up I am with all the swelling, and I think he was surprised just how much fluid I'm carrying around. Especially on my legs, he gave them a good old poke.
He checked all the medication I'm taking and has told me to stop one immediately, as I do not need it. Its normally given to people when they've had stent's fitted, which I have not.
He thinks that I am having a reaction to one of the tablets I'm on. (Now can you remember when this first started?, my Rehab Nurse thought it could be a reaction to my Med's). So it is now going to be a process of elimination. He has gone down the list and marked them off, in the order I need to stop them. I have to stay off each tablet for 2 weeks and see if it makes any difference. Then if nothing happens, go back on the tablet. There are a couple that I cannot stop taking, so just hope its not one of them causing all the problems. He gave the impression that it could be the Statin's, I'm on for cholesterol. If it is, they will have to stop them and treat my Cholesterol some other way. They also checked for Protein's in my water, as it could be my Kidneys, but that came back fine. If its not the medication then they will instigate more tests, when I go back in eight weeks.
So the elimination process begins.....!!!!!!!!!!