I thought I would take a little respite from the garden posts and show you a slice of life at Little Red House. It rained here in my part of New Jersey yesterday. In fact, I think you could safely say that it poured -- one of those days where the water gushes noisily out of the downspouts, and renders the lawn a soggy mess.
Inside, the house was dark. This is a small house with low ceilings -- no recessed lights save for the kitchen. The dining room has two lights -- a crystal chandelier and a thrift store lamp, both shown here. When it is dark day, I like to turn on the lights and enjoy the warm glow that they cast.
Of course this would have been the perfect day for a book and a cup of tea, but there were the usual chores waiting. I did stop for a moment to snap a few pictures of the shadows, but then it was back to the laundry.
So my question for you is this: what is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?