A very Big Welcome to some more followers. I still can't believe so many people want to listen to my ramblings..LOL
My new followers are:-
Michelle who I'm sure has a blog but unfortunately I can't find it. Michelle if you do have a blog can you leave a comment here and I'll add your link.
Adele who has a few blog's but here's the link to her miniature one Adeles SpOOky Art.
Paula Nerhus who's blog is called Paula Nerhus...Art Dolls.
Hekatee who's blog is called Wonderland, but no posts on there as yet.
Curious Marion who has two blogs one being the Witches Cottage. Marion took a class with Rik Pierce and this blog cronicles the step by step building of this house.
Eva Krog who's blog is called Mine Dukkehuse. Eva has a lovely Mini Beach House and hasn't been blogging long.
Lola who's blog is called Princess Lola's Miniature Diary, is the Daughter of Kate & John and is one of the youngest blogger's on the block at Eight. Lola is doing a Bramley Hedge House and will be writing about her Miniatures.
Contar who's blog is called Mis Miniaturas Y Yo. Lots of miniatures on this blog.
Catherine who's blog is called Le Monde Creatif De Catherine, just go and take a look at her beautiful Granny's Cottage.
And last but not least is Gaina who has a few blogs so have given you a link to her profile.
As always please go over and say Hi....
On the home front, I've had a new appointment through to see the Cardiologist on 11.5.10. Which is a vast improvement on the previous appointment 22.6.10. A few people have emailed to ask how I'm doing, and the update is that I am still very swollen and the water tablets are not on top of the fluid retention any more. I'm swollen Morning, Noon and Night and its in both legs and my arms now. Lets hope that they manage to find out what's going on, as I'm pretty fed up looking like the Phillsbury Dough Man and not being able to get any of my clothes on other then baggy tracksuit bottoms. I either need a tap or Syphon fitted to get rid of it all. LOL...
In other news we are waiting for the birth of this years foals, three of our Mares are heavily pregnant, just hoping all goes well this year.
Ben is taking his "A" level photography exam today, so keeping our fingers crossed for him.
I'm off over my friend Tash's this afternoon, she has been feeding a stray Cat, which over the weekend has given birth in her Garden, in a wooden box. Tash managed to move the box with Mum and the Four Kittens, into her Utility Room last night, where they are all nice and snug with plenty of food. There are two Grey, 1 Black and a Ginger Kitten. I'll try and remember my Camera... xxxx