Ben's "A" Level Photograpy..

This morning, Mick and I went up to the Boy's School, to see Ben's "A" Level Photography work.
The examiners/assessor's have already seen the work and today was the turn of Family and Friends.
The poster on the door advertising the open day, was made from one of Ben's pictures.
I have to say that all the Students, have worked really hard and there was some absolutely wonderful work on show. I hope they all get the grades that they are hoping for, especially those that need the points for University.
A special thank you, to their Teacher & Friend Amelia, who Ben tells me begs, steals and borrows to get her students through their exams, (the Photography department is sorely under funded) and gives up a lot of her own time for the students. She was in School until 6.30pm last night with one of the assessors and she mounted every single photograph that was on display.
The huge black poster that Ben did, is a take on the saying by Friedrich Nietzsche ~ If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back a you. Unfortunately, because its Gloss and reflects the light, I couldn't get a good picture of it. But if you stand directly in front of it, and concentrate you can see quite a few eyes staring back out at you. I did try to upload the original picture from Ben's memory stick, but blogger didn't like it, I think its too big a file. Ben said that he will compress the file, so that I can upload it later!.
If you click on the pictures, they should come up bigger.
I'll be back later with some more pictures, taken by the other Students and Ben's friends.