Good morning, everyone! How are you today? It's quiet here this morning -- the kids are still abed and my husband ran into the office for awhile... so I'm noodling around in Photoshop and "wasting" time.
It's only partly sunny here this morning, and very humid. I'm thinking we will be getting some thunderstorms later this afternoon. The photo above was taken earlier in the month, and I just played with it a little bit to add the sun flares. This is what I do with my free time. Some of you knit, some of you quilt, some of you paint... I play with my camera and Photoshop. :)
Have a wonderful weekend, dear bloggers! I hope you all have some time to just noodle around. ;)
Won't you please join me for Mosaic Monday this week? I always love to see what you've been up to, and what beautiful images you have to share! The new linky thingy will be up by 8:30 pm Eastern Time USA, Sunday night. Hope to see you then! :)