Potting Bench is finished!

So now the final chapter in my potting bench refinished. I decided I would antique the table with cracking medium. So the colour you saw in the previous posting was the first coat, and what would be seen through the cracks of the paint, once I applied the crackling medium and the top coat. I used a light tan colour for the top coat. I had crackled tole painted wall art many years ago, but it's the first time I have tried it on my minis. I was a little afraid that the "cracks" would be out of scale. But I am pleased with the finished results.

Now I have to dress the potting table before I put it in place. I am hoping to make a second work table to go along side of it, but under the window. This one doesn't fit under the window with the back section, so I need to build another one without the hutch! This one will have to be from scratch.

I have also been busy working on refinishing many other items for the interior of the shed. A lot of the wood pieces I had were new, and I wanted them to look a little older and used.

Also I went looking through Ebay for some garden items that Carol of http://weecutetreasures.blogspot.com/ had recommended, and I saw several flower trellis there as well as the items Carol had recommended, and I thought I could build the trellis myself, so presently my trellis is in a clamp. Pictures to follow on all these items once I have them finished. I will be doing an Ebay order shortly as well to get all the great items I found through Carol's recommendation! Thanks Carol!

I am still busy cutting out printies such as seed packages and other related gardening items. My fingers are sore from this and I have resorted to using a rotary cutter as much as possible to help my poor fingers.

So I have been busy, there will be more pictures coming in later posts as I complete all these "Mini Projects."

And the most exciting news of all......I have reached 50 followers in only two weeks. YIPPEE!!! Welcome to my 50th follower:-

Sonia, http://minitink.blogspot.com/

Thank you to everyone for taking an interest in my blog, and thanks you to Sonia for being my 50th follower!!
