Crates & Signs!

I promised yesterday that I would show you some of the other minis I have been working on for the garden shed. I had accumulated a lot of miniature printie signs, that I have patiently cut out over the past week. Yesterday I glued the signs to a 1/16" board and painted and distressed the signs. I got a little carried away with my sign making. Some of them were not necessarily something I would put in my shed, some may work on my other projects, even one I know will work in a friend's project, and some I have no idea where I will use them, I just liked them! (Like the Paris sign).
The printies I used came from a variety of places. Some were downloaded from the intranet, some were from Miniaturas magazine web site and some came from accessory catalogs. I work as a home furnishings buyer, so I have lots of old accessories catalogs that I can use for sources such as this and also for inspiration.
I also glued labels to some of the boxes I had aged, and then I aged the labels as well. I also made some seed flats. I still have to fill those with "soil & plants", but that will be for another day.

Here is some of the signs and crates I have completed.

I have a new follower to welcome as well.

Esperanza, her blog is Drop by and look at the very detailed work she is doing.