Early homes of Newfoundland

One of the things we like to do is travel to different areas of the island. One of the things I like to do, is take pictures of the many beautiful older homes still standing in many of these communities. I always think that some day I will build a miniature version of these homes. I guess if I had to do this with every house I have photographed, I'll be building 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the rest of my life!! Oh well. These homes are still worth photographing though. I get lots of inspiration for the projects I am working on.

Yesterday we visiting a community called Brigus, Newfoundland. This community was settled in the 1600s, so it has lots of history, and lots of interesting architecture that has survived. Brigus is the birthplace of Captain Robert A. Bartlett, the master mariner of arctic fame who has immortalized the town in the annals of history. If you would like to know more about this community, their website is http://www.brigus.net/ .

One of the houses I photographed yesterday appears to be abandoned, but at some time someone did give it a facelift. It's a beautiful older home. I don't have any information on it's history, but I just liked it, and thought it would be a great inspiration for future mini houses.

I love the two storey entry and the old back door. Unfortunately I didn't get a close up shot of the front door. It has nice decorative trim and corbel brackets. The foundation is a loose stone base. It appears to have been painted recently in the past several years, and I love the colour.
I hope it inspires someone else with their mini projects as well.
I have gained one new follower as well. I would like to welcome:-

Ira, http://merryjingle.blogspot.com/ Drop by and have a look at the fabulous projects Ira has been working on. Thanks for taking an interest in my site as well. Ira and I are both working on a garden feature. She is working on a green house, as well as many other great projects.
As far as my garden shed, today I worked on the roof again. Everything is glued and clamped at this time, so nothing worth photographing. Hopefully tomorrow I will have more to show.
My four day weekend has now come to a conclusion. Back to work tomorrow!! It was fun while it lasted.