More Newfoundland Homes

A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of one Newfoundland home we had saw recently on a day trip to Brigus. Today I would like to show you another charming house we found on that trip. I don't think this home is necessarily an historical home, but it had a real charm about it. Some features of the home are typical of Newfoundland, the salt box house with the lean to kitchen built on the back. But what is not typical of Newfoundland architectural is the weathered cedar cladding on the house.

What I loved even more was the matching garden shed. Isn't it fabulous.

It's a small house, but it has so much charm. Wouldn't it make a fabulous miniature cottage. I can see the brackets for the window flower boxes, but unfortunately during our visit there were no flower boxes to be seen. The weather at the time in Newfoundland had not been great, and if this home is a summer cottage I can understand why the window boxes are not out yet. Hopefully with improving weather we will see them on a future visit to Brigus. There is so much inspiration in Newfoundland for miniature houses. If I just had enough hours in the day to work on all these projects. I think I will add to my list of all the miniature projects I want to complete. I started my list on my first blog posting. I'm going to add it to the side bar of my blog, and add to it every time I get inspired. It may grow to be an unreasonable list, but we all need goals!!!

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