More of my needlework

I haven't done any new work on the garden shed today. I follow over 200 blogs, and I have done so much reading of new postings by others tonight, that I haven't done any work myself. Oh well!! So I still wanted to check in, so I thought I would show you another work in progress. I had mentioned in an earlier posting that I always have one needlework project in the works all the time!! I obviously don't need a needlework project for the garden shed, but I've been working on a large rug now for over a year.

I am attending Camp Mini Ha Ha in September and we are building a castle room. I have decided to make my castle room a modern twist on an old castle. I want to build a very luxurious living room in the castle. I am envisioning a wealthy couple who have purchased an old castle and they are renovating it for today's world, still trying to keep a little of the past, while maintaining the comforts of today. I am hoping to use the rug I am working on in this living room.

Here are some pictures of the Castle prototype.

If you want to know more about Camp Mini Ha Ha, visit for more info.

I was so excited to discover today that I had 5 new followers!! Wow, thanks for having an interest in my work. Please take a moment to visit their blogs!





and Kreattiva, who doesn't appear to have a blog. If I have overlooked it, let me know and I will post a link to your blog.

Thanks for taking an interest, I would love to have your comments and feedback.
