Out of town for a few days

I'm travelling for the next three days for work, so I will be away from my workshop during this time, and not making any new postings. Hopefully I will get a moment to read everyone's postings during this time, if not on the weekend I will be doing lots of catch up reading.

Before I leave I wanted to welcome a few more followers:-

Caroline. Caroline doesn't appear to have a blog, but she does sell on Etsy and has a link for this:-http://www.etsy.com/shop/cinderellamoments If there is a blog, Caroline let me know and I can post a link for you.

Martina. I don't see if you have a blog, but if you do also, just let me know and I will post a link.

Welcome to my blog, thanks for taking an interest.

Thought I would share one more flower photo from our trip to the Botanical Gardens last week. I don't know the name of the flower. It kind of reminds me of a lily, but I am almost sure it's not. Maybe someone else does. At any rate, it's great inspiration for future miniature flower making.
