I'm always interested in what people hang on their walls... in fact, you might call me a bloggy voyeur. :) I love to browse the decorating blogs, checking out all the great art. Not great, as in Matisse or Dutch Masters. But great as in "wow, I really like that!"
Over the years, I have found that vintage or antique prints seems to work best for me. This is an old house -- a little scruffy -- and anything too precious or polished would look like, well... a sow in a silk dress. So I tend to collect old prints, mainly with a flower theme. Because I love flowers. :)

The prints you see here hang in our master bedroom. The large one was found at a rummage sale for $6. The others came from my favorite thrift store. I think they were $2.50 each. It's driving me nuts that they are hanging crooked in these photos, but I just wanted to give you an idea of the "art" here at Little Red House.
So tell me, what's hanging on your walls? ;)