Saturday, Debie and I spent most of the day, sitting at the Kitchen table. Debie, very kindly gave me a sculpting lesson. I can't show you what I made yet, as I'm waiting for some more supplies to arrive in the post. I promise I'll share once it's finished.
Debie, also brought down some of her previous sculpts, so that I could take some close up photographs of them for her. I swear Little Red's eyes follow you around the room. We said she looks like Courtney, having a strop..LOL I also took some pictures of Bath-ilda, taking her 25 year bath, in essence of Pond Scum. Debie, does make up some wonderful names and stories to go with her sculpts.
Then there was "He who must not be Named", well what can I say about him. Debie's previous photographs, just don't do him justice. He is fabulous, just look at the detail in his face. You could really expect him to open his mouth and say "Harry Potter". If you click on the pictures they should pop up bigger.
On Monday, I had the long awaited appointment at Morriston Hospital, Swansea, with my Cardiologist. He was really surprised, at how much fluid I'm carrying about. He wants some super duper, Blood Test's done, to check for hormone levels, cortisone, etc. etc. He thinks, I could have Cushings Syndrome. I asked what would happen if this shows to be the case, and he has assured me that it is treatable. I'd only ever heard of this in Horse's and Dog's!!!. He would also like to take me back into Hospital, and do a double Catheter test in either both arms or both sides of the Groin, just in case anything has been missed on the scans. I'm having the blood tests done next week.
Then on Tuesday, I woke up with the sniffles, so have had a couple of PJ days. It gave me some time to browse the web and catch up with every one's blogs, even if I haven't left a comment and do some retail therapy.