Some more followers have joined us. A very big Welcome to you all.
They are:-
Kimmi Lou of Kimmi Lou's Miniatures. She's not been blogging long but has just opened her Etsy Shop. She makes some beautiful miniature food.
Princess Claire who I can't find a blog for. If you have a link, please let me know and I'll share it.
Making Stuff With Love, who doesn't have a blog page but does have an Etsy Shop, filled with wonderful Needle felted Dogs.
Elizabeth, who again I can't find any information on or a blog. Elizabeth, if you do have a link please let me know.
Peggy who's blog is called Another Cosy Cottage. For those of you that love Shabby Chic your Love this blog.
Olga who's blog is called Avateddy. Olga makes the most beautiful miniature Bears and other creatures. Take a look at the lovely little Dragons, they are so cute.
Rebecca of Rebecca's Rainbow Kisses. Rebecca is a Mum to triplets! Beautiful photography on this blog.
Keli who's blog is called Isseecerulean. Beautiful Doll House's on here and fantastic photography.
Ineke who has a few links and who's blog is called Trolineke Trolls And Goblins. It's filled with some wonderful creations.
The Pin Factory with a blog of the same name. This blog is filled with the smaller scales, which are beautifully photographed.
May who also has a blog of the same name. Some beautiful mini room settings and tutorials on this blog.
Lia Comugnero,who again I can't find any information on. Lia if you have a link can you let me know please.
Brenda who's blog is called The Twelfth Dimension 2. Brenda also has an Artfire Shop, which is filled with the most wonderful miniature Toys.
Clara who's blog is called La Vida En Miniatura. Another beautiful blog filled with Miniatures.
As Always please go over and say Hi.....
On the home front, as you all know I've had Debie, and her lovely family staying with us. We all had a lovely week together and lets just say her Girls didn't want to leave and my Boys didn't want them to go... The little Poppets, have been talking via their MSN's and Facebooks ever since....Much to mine and Debie's amusement. I'll be back later to show you what Debie, brought down for me and what she made while she was here...xxxx