Under The Weather....

Just to let everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking but feeling pretty miserable and under the weather at the moment.
As quite a few of you already know, after I had the Angiogram's on the 28th October, I was in quite a lot of pain in my arm and ended up being taken into Hospital on Sunday. They put me on a drip and put my arm up in the air. They thought that I'd had a bleed in the arm that had got into my muscles, causing compartment syndrome. Well what ever it is, its the Pain from Hell. I came home late on Tuesday, dosed up with Morphine and enough Painkillers to down an Elephant. It's still bad but it is easing.
Thank you to everyone that has sent Get Well Wishes, emails, cards, and telephoned. I'm finding it too painful to sit on the Computer for long, and seem to have got up this morning with a temperature, so might not be around for a few more days... Hopefully catch up with you all soon.. xxx