I'd like to Welcome some more followers they are:-
Fuzita who's blog is called Fuzita's Blog v2.0. Some lovely miniatures on here.
Corinne, who has three blogs, her Miniature one is called Mijn Poppenhuis. She is currently working on a beautiful, little Christmas House.
Alison who's blog is called Bliss Miniatures. Alison is very new to the blogosphere, so please go over and give her a big welcome. She makes the most wonderful 1:12th scale miniature food..
Lisa, who is a dear friend but hasn't got a blog. But if anyone should have one its her. She is a very gifted lady and can turn her hand to most things from beautiful sewing to sculpting. (Did you hear that Lisa, you need to start a blog..LOL).
And last but not least is Helen. Helen is another friend who has recently started a blog called Vinweeda Magic. Another very talented lady, who a few of us are trying to persuade, to start an Etsy Shop.
As always please go over and say Hi.....
Also wated to let you all know that I've added lots more Mini Links over on the Tiny Treasures Mini Link Blog..