You Shall Go To The Ball...

Ben had his Psychology Ball on Wednesday in Aberystwyth. Courtney travelled down, to go with him.
They had a lovely Evening and I think your all agree, they both looked fantastic and make a lovely couple.
Then on Thursday evening, we had a big snow fall. I was really worried, as Ben was driving home from University for Christmas on Friday. Especially having to drive on the coast road, knowing that he'd never driven in these sort of conditions before. Plus the roads in the student village hadn't been gritted, so we wasn't sure whether he'd even be able to get the car out.
Mick spoke to him on Friday morning, and advised him what to if they had any problems. I can tell you I couldn't settle, until they were here safe and sound. Courtney took the scenery photo's as they were driving home. If you click on them they will pop up bigger.
We had another snow fall last night, and we are not sure whether the Trains from Carmarthen will be running tomorrow, enabling Courtney to get home for Christmas. If not ,we could have another one, around the table on Christmas Day..