I find myself drawn to the old photos I come across occasionally in thrift stores and antiques shops. Who was this person? When did they live? What was their life like? I guess I'm always in search of a good story... or maybe I'm just nosy. :)
I have seen images of wedding parties that look as solemn as a funeral. I often wonder if their expressions were typical for the time in which the photo was taken, or if the newly married couple were seriously contemplating the full import of the vows they had just taken.
I have come across graduation pictures, first communions and candid shots that portray the joy of the moment in now-faded glory. Recently, I found this precious miniature in my favorite thrift shop. Judging by the beautiful case, this child was cherished. What was their life like? Who did they grow up to be? Were their later years filled with joy, or disappointment? Or both, as perhaps is true of us all.
Of course, I will never know the answers to any of my questions. And perhaps that is as it should be. Perhaps the main thing is to ask all of those questions of my own life -- to make sure I am living an examined life.
Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)optonline
And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.