But still...

Can I tell you how happy I am to see this single snowdrop? I wish I had a whole field of them. In fact, I think I will put a reminder in my calendar to buy a whole lot more this fall... :)

This has been an extraordinarily hard winter -- so much snow, so many grey days, and the entire months of January and February overtaken by illness... Oh, I know that we in New Jersey have not had as hard a time of it as other parts of the country, and I do appreciate the fact that spring would not be as sweet had we not had such a hard winter.

But still.

This little blossom has had it's photograph taken so much that it must feel like a celebrity. :)

Sometimes, I feel like a broken record. Sometimes I feel like a spoiled child. After all, there are so many people, all over the world, who have so much more to bear... surely I can live with a few months of darkness.

But still.

I am so very grateful for the longer days, the warmth of the sun, the swelling buds... for each and every sign of the new life that thrums from deep within the earth. And yes, I know that sounds like so much New Age crap.

But still. :)


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