
Lots more followers have joined the clan, they are:-
Sonja Band, who I can't find a link for.
Maria, who's blog is called Mi Mini Rincon.
Ani, who has a blog called La Inspiracion.
Laurie, who is my friend on Facebook.
Mindymax who's blog is called Mindy Max Miniatures.
Silver Berry, who again I can't find any links for.
Ester, who has a few blogs, so just click on her name and it will take you over to her profile, where you can explore the blogs for yourselves.
Shirley Kelly who's blog is called Skellyton Art.
Sherry Raines, who again I can find no information for.
Dominique who's blog is called Petit Cabinet De Curiosites. Some beautiful miniatures on here. Dominique also makes the most wonderful miniature Shoes and has a Etsy Shop called Humpty Dumpty House, where you can buy them.
Dave Williams, who's blog is called Harvington Miniatures. Dave makes beautiful miniatures and his miniature paintings are fabulous.
Ludmila, who has a few blogs but this one is called 1:12 is the miniature one.
Choupavril who's blog is called Mini Rivoli.

Unfortunately, while I was writing this post, the friends gadget on my blog went down, so I couldn't finish welcoming my new followers. I will be back later to Welcome the rest. In the mean time please go over and say Hello....