In case you've been wondering where I am. My poor PC is poorly and is away at Ben's friends being fixed.
It seemed everything went wrong all at once, first the loss of the foal, then Lil, then the PC. They say it comes in three's, so hopefully, we've had our share now.
Ben's friend Tux, is a computer whiz, so I know its in good hands and his payment for fixing it??? Cakes!!! He thinks I make exceeding good ones, so this weekend I'll be baking him Butterfly Cakes..LOL
Ben has let me borrow his laptop, while he is home from Uni for the Easter Holidays.
I've been totally lost without my computer. I was terrified, that I was going to lose all my pictures and documents stored on there. So I am going to invest in, an external hard drive to back them all up. As I can't afford a new computer, and dreading the arrival of the Vet's bill. I don't think any of us realise, just how much we rely on all this technology, what did we do before the World Wide Web????...
Hopefully, my computer will be back here, sometime this weekend or early next week. So if you've emailed me and I haven't answered I apologise, you now know the reason why.
Next week Debie and the Poppets are coming to stay. Debie, has treated herself to a new camera, so I'm looking forward to having a play around with that. Yes, its me that thinks her pictures are pants! LOL...Yes I can say that, cause I'm her mate, well I was...!!! Having seen Debie's sculpts in the Flesh, so to speak, I have to say her photography skills, do them absolutely no justice at all. I've asked her to bring the new sculpts with her, so that I can take some pictures of them.
Hoping to be back on line soon and back in the blogosphere catching up with every one's blogs. Until then have fun and I'll hopefully see you all soon...xxxx