Life in Kentucky

The days are flying by as I get ready for the NAME national convention to be held this July in Cleveland.
Today was the day that the Overman's competed at the Garrard County Fair..
we were winners... and I had the best ever thing happen. I won the overall Grand Champion ribbon in the flower competition. The judge said, my glad was a perfect flower! I thought so too but never dreamed I would win over a gazillion flower entries.
My miniature entries - 4 entries took 1st place and a 5th entry into the "other doll" category won 2nd place.

We also won first place in Veggie Basket, cucumbers - pickling type and "other" category, mints, seconds in squash, beans, slicing cucumbers.. for having such a rainy year and so far a very short growing season - we are very happy and looking forward to the Kentucky State Fair competition.