Little Golden Books

After 2 years plus of work, the NAME National Convention is just a few days away for me. 3,000 Souvenir gifts, 359 roundtable kits, 200 guitars, 150 Patron Party gifts, table exchange gifts, 500 gifts from me to each attendee that I get to meet and thank for supporting NAME , the planning of the Patron Party for 135 and the One of A kind Auction, the Red Dress Review planning, my A-3 business meeting, agenda,door prizes are packed, my Houseparty 2013 meeting is planned and then my Board meeting notebook is assembled and up to date, am I ready, well, is there room in my car for my luggage for 10 days worth of miniature madness?

Oops , I forgot my theme dinner a presentation to 50 people of my love for Little Golden Books and my gift of a 1/12" scale red pedal car made by me..but I decided to take a day for myself and headed to the Lexington Central Library where there is a showing of original art from Little Golden Books. I was in heaven! I wanted to see it before my NAME presentation and  be ready to come back and attend a special lecture to be given by the author, Leonard Marcus who has frostbitten a book about the Golden Legacy, How Golden Books Won the Children's Hearts....... I can not wait to meet him and share my love for this marvelous books. Tuesday, July 28th- 6 pm, I am there early and in the front row! With by book in hand to be autographed and ready to give him one of my pedal cars.