It's a rainy, rainy day here in New Jersey, and I'm not complaining in the least. We need the rain badly. On Friday it was beautiful and sunny, and I paid a visit to one of my favorite area gardens -- the Cross Estate Gardens in nearby Bernardsville. The gardens are now a part of the National Park Service, and administered in conjunction with the New Jersey Historical Garden Foundation. Included are a wisteria covered pergola, a formal walled garden and a native plant garden. The estate began life as part of the "Mountain Colony" of grand summer retreats for wealthy tycoons looking to escape the heat of New York City.
The house was originally built in 1905 by John A. Hensel, and was called Queen Anne Farm. In addition to the house, there was a carriage house, a gatehouse and a stone water tower. In 1929 it was purchased by Redmond Cross, whose wife, Julia Newbold Cross, was a member of the Royal Horticultural Society. Together with Clarence Fowler, a noted landscape architect, Mrs. Cross made extensive improvements to the garden.
Today I am showing you just a few photos from the native plant garden. The approach to the garden is through a tunnel of green mountain laurel, and when you open the gate, you are faced with the colorful contrast of a purple redbud tree surrounded by a sea of bright yellow leopard's bane. It is nothing short of stunning. The purple and yellow theme is continued by a great sweep of mountain phlox punctuated by yellow marsh marigolds. Deep green mayapples provide a visual rest from all that color.
I have many more photos to share later in the week. Wait till you see the formal garden. ;) I have to stop typing (and photo-editing) now, though, because my right hand is killing me. Arthritis, I guess. :(
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