I also photographed it with some of the other pieces for the castle room, so you can see the colour theme I am working with for this project.
And from another angle to see more detail
Overall I am pleased with the finished product. I have always had one miniature needlepoint project in the works at all times, so now I need to find another to start. I would like to do some needlepoint cushions for the castle room, but am still looking for the right pattern. Would love some floral and traditional patterns. If you have some suggestions, I would love to hear about them.
Hello to all the new followers. Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I've found several new blogs to follow myself in the past week because of the new followers. There are such wonderful and interesting blogs to read out there. I think I follow over 700 blogs now.....it's getting hard to keep up with them all, but I am managing.
It's been an absolutely beautiful week here in St John's, and now we are celebrating our Canada Day weekend, with an extra day off, YIPPEE! So I have to go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather. It's Newfoundland and we are lucky to get two months of summer, so we have to grab every beautiful day when we can. It's suppose to get up to 27 degrees celcius today.
Until next time............