I'm sure Casey won't mind me calling her a Witch as she is part of the Wednesday Witches. Casey also has in residence a little Witch named Tessie, who well lets say is always up to
If you've not read Casey's blog, then I recommend it, not only will Tessie's antic's make you smile, but Casey's tutorials are brilliant and she's always got something to share with everyone. Just click on Casey's name to whisked over there.
Thank you Casey and Tessie I Love my presents and I hope Widget is feeling better.. xxx
I'm off to the Hospital today to the Lipid Clinic. As I've never been before don't quite know what to expect really. I think it is to do with the very high Cholesterol I had before the operation, it was 8.6, its now 4.3. So it's halved. They think I have inherited this from my Dad. Oh well best go and get ready..