Miniature Chicken Wire?

Sorry everyone for the blog lapse, but needless to say lots of things been going on.
First off I went to see the Cardiac Surgeon and he was so pleased with my progress, he signed me off, and I haven't even got to go back for a yearly check up. How was that for brilliant news. If I get any problems just to contact my own GP.. I can tell you we all breathed a huge sigh of relief. Just got to do as I'm told and I'll be back fighting fit. The only problem I've got at the moment is with the leg they took the vein from, it looks like it belongs to the Elephant Man. The boys have nick named it the "Cankle". Still carrying on with my physiotherapy.
I also received a wonderful get well present from Casey over at Casey's Minis. She stitched me the most wonderful miniature rug and towel set. I promise to take some pictures later when the lights better, and share them with you. All I can say is, I think with the size of the stitches, a little Witch named Tessie had a hand in them..
I've also had the clay out.. Now don't all faint at once. As you know I'm taking part in the Christmas Swap over at Rosanna's. But I can't show you the results here, in case my recipient sees. But for my friends over on Face book, they've already had a sneak peek and by the comments, it seems they are a hit! They are my first ever minis of that kind and my very first minis after my surgery, so to say I'm pleased is a bit of an understatement. I did have to get Mick to mix the clay for me though.. Thanks Mick. Now for all of you that have seen them, please don't let the cat out of the bag. This swap has given me something to focus on and hopefully in the new year, I will get back to my mini making proper.
Now to explain the heading on the top of my blog. I want to make some cages, now does anyone know where I can get miniature Chicken wire from. I thought I might be able to use Tulle, but worried this may not be strong enough. Have any of you got any ideas? Any help greatly received.. xx