Eight Ball..

Tessie the little Witch over at Casey's Minis, has passed to me the Eight ball.
There are 8 questions for me to answer and then I have to pass it on to someone else. Although I doubt my answers will be as entertaining as Tessie's.

1. Names that I am called by:- Mum, Debbie, Deb and Debs. Although there are a few others that I couldn't possibly post here! LOL

2. Three Items I am wearing:- My PJ's, my fluffy furry slippers and a smile..

3. Three things I did yesterday, last night and today:- Yesterday I was trying on my shoes and boots to see if I could get them on the Fat Foot! Last night I went to a Christmas Party in my Furry Fluffy Slippers and had a brilliant time. This morning I've peeled some potatoes for Dinner.

4. Name two things you have eaten:- This morning I had Cheerios for breakfast and at this moment I'm sucking a Pear Drop.

5. Two people I have rung today:- I've rung my friend Di and my friend Christine has just rung me.

6. Two things I will do today:- Write some more Christmas Cards, I'm so behind this year, they are normally in the post on the 1st December and finish some minis I'm working on.

7. Three Best Loved Drink:- Tea, I drink gallons of the stuff, but it has to be strong (Builders Tea), Tia Maria over ice, and a nice glass of Red Wine, preferably Merlot.

8. Three Things I Intensely Wish:- 1. That a cure for all Cancers is found. 2. Good Health and Happiness for everyone. 3. And last but not least Peace for everyone throughout the World, no more Wars..

I now pass the Eight Ball to:- Julia & Hywel over at Bear Cabin Miniatures, if they would like to play along... xxx

Just a little update on the Fat Foot Saga, I went to the Party Last Night and had a lovely time in my Fluffy Slippers and I didn't look out of place at all, as lots of the girls were wearing Huggs. So girls if you want to go out in your slippers go for it...LOL