Come Drive With Me

So, we're going for a little drive today. The temperatures are freezing, but the skies are blue, and you'll be fine if you bundle up. Besides, my car has heated seats which, as far as I'm concerned, are the greatest advancement in automotive technology in... well, in forever.

Our first stop is the USGA Golf Museum (above) or the Golf House, as it's known around here. Despite having lived down the road since well before it's inception in the 70's, I've never before visited, and I know nothing about golf. But isn't the main building gorgeous? It was one of the finest estates in the area, and used to be home to former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance.

I'll have to actually go inside someday and learn about golf. :)

Next stop is my favorite park, called Natirar. This was also the site of a former estate. It once belonged to New York socialite Kate Macy Ladd. After her death, the house was used as a convalescent home for women, and was later sold to the King of Morocco.

How's that for hoighty-toighty? ;)

The house (shown here) has since been acquired by a group of investors including Sir Richard Branson. It is being developed as a luxury restaurant, spa and cooking school. The land, however, has been donated to the county park system and is open to all. It is one of my favorite places to walk, and to take pictures. :)

A few minutes away we will stop at my favorite thrift store, housed in the basement of this beautiful little church in Gladstone, NJ. I've been cleaning out our guest room, which has really gotten to be more of a junk room, and I've got to deliver some donations. But the little church is so lovely against the blue sky that I just have to snap a picture or two. :)

Of course, you can't just donate and not go in to browse. Or at least I can't. (Those words sound vaguely familiar. I think I've written them before.)

Oh, what do I spy?! Aren't these gorgeous? Be still my heart! And actually, the individual plates are marked at $6. apiece. So that's really just $24., right?

I hope you enjoyed our little jaunt. I'm thinking soup will be on the menu soon, and these beauties will be showing up in my next Tablescape Thursday post. :)

Have a beautiful day, dear bloggers!