Yesterday 5th January 2010

Yesterday morning we woke to rain, which very quickly turned to sleet and then to Snow. Outside our House is quite a steep hill that goes down into the village. We were watching the cars struggling to get up and down the hill, when down came a lorry and it started to slide, he was so lucky that he didn't jack knife. A few cars managed to pull into the lay by, but one just didn't make it and hit the grass bank. If you click on the pictures they will pop up bigger. We did the good neighbour bit and made the lorry driver a hot drink and asked the others in the lay by if they wanted a hot drink or to use the loo. Well you know what its like when its freezing and you need to go..
We rang the council to inform them of the problem on the hill and they told us to ring the Police, which we did. The Lorry driver eventually, after about 2 hours managed to straighten the Lorry up and get down the hill using the car tracks. Then blow me along came the Snow Plough and cleared the ice and gritted and then the Police drove up the hill. They were gritting and clearing the hill all through the night.
The only one in our Household who seems to be enjoying all the Snow is Merlin, he looked like a Polar Bear after rolling around the snow, then he promptly came indoors and shook himself. The floor and walls were drenched.
Merlin really makes us laugh, Harry throws Snowballs to him which he either eats or if they hit the ground he digs for them, he just doesn't realise they've disappeared into the surrounding snow. Bless him he's not the full Shilling..
I'll be back later with some more pictures that I took today..