This weekend has become a "Sorting out" the studio project. As I started to go through a very large stack of magazines which I had not read since the October issues ( holiday seasons- all magazines go unread) I got online to look at Mary Englebreit's website . I miss her magazine so very much. In reading her website information and news, I, once again read that her magazine is just too costly to put back in production. I have every issue since it began. I read and reread them.
Mary explained on her blog, that she had been searching for magazines to read on a plane trip and to her dismay, she, as I have discovered that more and more of our wonderful designing/craft/hobby magazines (what ever we want to call those types of magazines) are disappearing from the newsstand/bookstores/etc.
I am a huge reader of magazines.. especially in January, when a snuggly afghan wrapped around me as I sit in front of my roaring fireplace, with a great cup of coffee in hand next to big stack of magazines suits me just fine for an entire day.
Well, guess what , cleaning up the studio led to - a day of magazine reading.. note taking for miniature ideas , 8 pages of notes and 24 magazine pictures scanned and saved for "FUTURE UPCOMING PROJECTS!"
so back to Mary, here is a photograph of a wonderful "Mary" themed house made by my friend, Roberta. SHE IS SO TALENTED! ( I hope you do not mind me sharing your talent.) The basic house, I have two of . I found one recently at a sale table of a recent miniature show and the other ,I got at the NAME national convention in Louisville a few years back are just perfect for "MARY" themes. I am thinking of making one of my houses ( of course they ARE NOT FINISHED) into a "WINTER" themed Mary house. Did you notice how Mary went to a softer look in some of her magazine issues?
oooohhhhh... January days .. time to rethink, redo, get ready for SPRING!
Also, time spent with a "teddy bear " of a freind is so good for the soul on a January day...thanks, our visit was truly "unfeinable"! A great word (?) which makes us both smile on a gray and cold day in the winter time.