Mick had told me about these jars, that he had seen while in there and thought I'd like them. Well he was right, and I brought the last one..
While I was browsing we were talking and I told Pat the owner that I was looking for a dresser top to hang in my Kitchen. She took us upstairs to the store rooms and there was just what I wanted a large dresser top. It's approx 4ft by 4 1/2ft. The colour matches my antique shelving , so I put it down to fate and we agreed a price. The Picture was taken while the dresser top is resting on its side on the floor of the Kitchen.
Pat and her husband Mick dropped it off last night and came in for a cup of tea and a chat.
So instead of Mick buying Miniatures he brought me the shelves instead. Maybe I'll be able to display a few minis on the shelves. I did debate about making a miniature setting in the Jar, it is big enough. But for today its going to be used to put all the names in for the Birthday Give Away..I've still got to write all the names out! I'll be back later with the winner's name.... Excited I know I am...............LOL