
As much as I don't really like winter, I still love to wake up to a surprise snowfall in the morning. I think it must be the kid in me, happy at the prospect of a snow day.

And surprise snow is the best.

The reflected light brightens your bedroom, as you push the covers aside and go to the window. And outside the world has been transformed into a magical place -- clean and bright and white.

Thursday morning brought a surprise snow. Just a few inches, but enough to create its own magic. I couldn't resist taking the camera out for a few shots. This beautiful stone bank house, in a nearby town, is one of my all-time favorites. Oh how I would love to get a peek inside. ;)

I have a few surprises for you all next week too. Just a little bit of exciting (for me, anyway) news, and maybe a little celebration that we can all share. Stayed tuned for more information. :)


Please join me for Mosaic Monday. Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30pm Sunday. I look forward to visiting you all. :)