
Just a little update..
Been having a few problems with my computer, the flipping thing keeps crashing! Have no idea whats wrong with it, I do have one of those insurances so may have to use it.
Also been having a problem with my leg the one which they took the vein from, it resembles a tree trunk at the moment. Went to see the Dietitian at the Hospital yesterday, she was more concerned about my leg then my weight. So need to make an appointment with my GP.
On the home front one of my very good friends and her children are coming to stay today, for a long weekend. So I've been baking! I've made Butterfly Cakes, which I haven't made for years, I suppose they were the forerunner to the Cup Cake. My Nan's recipe for Rock Cakes and a huge Bread Pudding.
I've also made two huge Shepherds Pies and they are in the oven cooking, ready for when they arrive.
She was supposed to be with us over Christmas, but it didn't happen, so over the weekend we are having another Christmas Dinner, I've even got some Christmas Crackers...LOL (Thanks Tash).
Ben has had two conditional offers from the Universities that he has applied for. One for Cardiff and one for Bangor. He's taking two Scholarship exams in February for Aberystwyth University which is his preferred choice. If he passes them, I think he will get an unconditional offer from there. Just keeping everything crossed that he gets a place..